NEWSLETTERS - 1993 to 2005

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The Guild produces QUARTERLY newsletters about activities, acquisitions, displays and information of interest. On-line newsletters appear with links below. Click any link to download that newsletter.  If wrong newsletter appears, let us know right away.

SUBJECT INDEX - This PDF index (link at left) lists newsletter topics by subject through 12/2005.

2005.11 - A 2005 display at the Carnegie Museum about the Livermore Naval Air Station, CampParks and Camp Shoemaker in Dublin and the stories of local veterans from World War II, including Malvern Sweet

2005.09 - "Forrestors of America, Livermore Court #77 - L.Mauch (10 pages)

2005.07 - Summary of Guild recent activities

2005.05 - "The Automobile" - Gary Drummond

2005.03 - "Providing Water to A New Community" - G.Drummond

2005.01 "First 50 Years of Telephone Service in Livermore" - G.Drummond

2004.11 -"First Churches in Livermore" - G.Drummond

Volume 34 - 11/2004 to 5/2005 Editions

2004.09 - "Building a Library" - G.Drummond

2004.07 -"Livermore's Wonderful Street Railway"- G.Drummond

2004.05 -Articles on Seven Sisters Road and history of HistoryMobile

2004.03 "Western Pacific Railroad" - G.Drummond

2004.01 - "Fraternal Organizations in Livermore" - G.Drummond

Volume 33 - 10/2003 to 9/2004 Editions

Volume 32 - 10/2002 to 9/2003 Editions

Volume 31 - 10/2001 to 9/2002 Editions

Volume 30 - 10/2000 to 9/2001 Editions

2000.05 -" Livermore Soda Works Owner: Julius Jacobs" - L.Mauch

Volume 29 - 10/1999 to 8/2000 Editions

Volume 28 - 10/1998 to 9/1999 Editions

Volume 27 - 10/1997 to 9/1998 Editions

1997.06 - "Andrew McLeod" - L.Mauch

Volume 26 - 10/1996 to 9/1997 Editions

Vol 24-25 - 11/1995 to 9/1996 Editions - Volume number bumped up mid-year

Volume 23 - 10/1994 to 9/1995 Editions

Volume 22 - 10/1993 to 9/1994 Editions

Volume 21 - 10/1992 to 9/1993 Editions

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