Links: Hagemann Ranch - [[
MAP ]]
Click on image for Tour Details and Tickets:
We on poised to move the last Livermore Valley one-room schoolhouse, Midway School, from the Altamont Hills to Hagemann Park next to the 150-year-old historic Hagemann Ranch. This creates a destination for immersive elementary school field trips and a public museum. The ranch and school are almost the same age, making joint events historically consistent.
Click bricks to pave (literal) path to Schoolhouse
These bricks help pay for architectural drawings (delivered to city in January), city permits, preparing the property, undergrounding electrical, and construction of a concrete foundation.
Click Easter Seasonal or candy box here to refurbish student desks
Also: Click Year-long See's Candy
Of course, the Schoolhouse itself needs major donors to move the building before Christmas, a new front porch, frame repairs, waterproof roofing, fresh window frames, ADA ramp, and interior restoration.
North L and Pine on former Lincoln Highway 50 (Portola Ave)
March 16 - OPEN HOUSE 10am to 2pm
Free parking on Pine - South half wheelchair accessible - Tiny restrooms (not ADA)
Vintage fire trucks, machine shop, displays, and ... well, you just need to stop in !
7/22 TUE 7p "Paintings of Livermore" - Carolyn Lord
10/15 WED 7p "Morgan Territory" - Ashley Grenier
Prior: [[ Then & Now Videos ]]
Local history at Library shelved as "Ca 979.465"
Web Tips:
Mar-Jun 2025 Main Display:
See back page of March 13 The Independent here:
Life of Former Veterinarian Mayor Shirley
Animal Hosp Vet, WWII Infantry, Mayor
NO Food - NO Restroom - NO Elevator! (for now)
Three short sets of steps - Free parking on Third Street and both sides of Carnegie Park
No parking on Fourth Street
Links: Carnegie Building - [[ MAP ]]
[[ Historic Downtown Walk Tour ]]
[[ HistoryMobile ]]
The joint LHG and Livermore Art Assoc exhibit at the Library included prints of
historic photographs of Livermore, framed and matted.
Fundraiser, click: [[ FRAMED PHOTOS ]]
Framed Art Originals by Ruth Burden (1928-2020)
These beautiful pen/ink drawings prior to 1987 are in LARGE 39"x31" framed glass.
Bank of the West displayed them for decades.
Fundraiser, click: [[ FRAMED ART ]]
Raw spreadsheets list our Archives, Objects, and Books in our database. Only 255 characters of descriptions appear. Sort and query as desired.
Click: EXCEL (1MB) - 3/30/2020Links:
[[FILM (1950s) ]]
Your donations enable the Guild to function.
Our Tax ID for estate or corporate gifts: 23-7360265
For donations using Zelle:
Use our identity:
and specify "General" or desired project / event
For donations using PayPal (and Credit Cards),
use donation box here:
(Click our desperate flyer below)
Other Recorded Area History Programs:
Museum of San Ramon Valley: [[ List ]]
Fun SONGS about Livermore:
[[ My Hometown Album ]] , by Patrick Noel Russ
Mar 30 - Children's Day
Duarte Garage Open House and
Lincoln Highway Museum
Third Sunday of Month 10am-2pm
(SKIP December)
Car of the Month and its Owner on display