Saving Yesterday for Tomorrow


The Livermore Heritage LHG (LHG) was established in 1973 by residents mobilized to preserve the local train depot and soon transformed into Livermore’s multifaceted historical society.

LHG is the quintessential community-based all-volunteer 501(c)3 educational non-profit organization. We operate on the goodwill of hundreds of members and dozens of volunteers who dedicate their time and resources.


The LHG manages three city-owned historic properties (see below) in the public interest. With limited storage and display space, the LHG collects and preserves local historical artifacts, photos, and documentation. It is a resource for local history and family background research.

From the first year, LHG members wrote many small publications (“Chapters of History”) about local families, buildings, ranches and industries. We have since published more substantial historical books and four decades of a quarterly newsletter. Early on, we presented (and continue to present) history lectures for the public, local walking tours, and a mobile HistoryMobile at elementary schools.


History Center

The LHG maintains the History Center inside the Carnegie Building at 3rd and K Streets. A volunteer docent assists visitors. Open Thu-Sat 11:30am-4pm (Sun 10am-2:30pm), and later during Farmer's Market Thursdays. Docent Coordinator: Susan Junk - Building History: Don Smith - Archival Collections: Jeff Kaskey


Duarte Garage

The Garage was a way-station on old Lincoln Highway in 1915. It hosts events for Scouts, auto clubs, Lincoln Highway Association, and others. Visitor donations help maintain, repair, insure, and fuel. Open third Sundays 10am-2pm. Curator: Will Bolton


Hagemann Ranch

The historic five acre Hagemann Ranch is on Olivina Avenue. Volunteer groups preserve and restore the site. The LHG manages three other non-profits operating upon the site. The City helps cover major repairs, safety/historical retrofitting, and pays the insurance. Visitor donations cover minor repairs and Open House expenses. Open last Sundays 2pm-5pm and special events. Curator: Jeff Kaskey; Coordinator: Barbara Soules



A HistoryMobile with two glorious murals travels to all Livermore third grade classes. About 1,000 students tour the vehicle each April and May. The Historymobile appears at city events such as the annual Ice Cream Social at Ravenswood. Visitor donations help cover the displays, vehicle insurance, and fuel. Driver scheduler and Curator: Nancy Mulligan



The LHG publishes a quarterly newsletter about local history and current activities. Editor: Dottie Ebery


History presentations (Jan, Apr, Jul, Oct) occur mid-month Wednesday. See schedule on the HOME page, our Facebook Group page, or The Independent newspaper calendar. Co-hosted by Livermore Public Library, 1188 South Livermore (925) 373-5500. Thurs 7pm-8pm Free. Lecture Host: Jeff Kaskey; Library Host: Blanche Angelo


The Board of Directors and committee heads meet at 7pm on second Wednesdays (except December). Meetings are public over ZOOM. E-Mail a week in advance for the ZOOM access code.

2024 LHG Report by Will Bolton:
LHG AGM 2024

2021 LHG Report by Will Bolton:
LHG AGM 2021

2020 LHG Report by Harry Briley [with CC]:

The Annual Guild Meeeting (AGM) in October is usually held in the Duarte Garage. It hosts a guest historical speaker, the President's State of the Guild, a financial report, and results of mail-in election of Board Officers whose term was due.


We need more of both Members and Donors. Membership dues only covers part of insurance costs for non-Ranch activities and the HistoryMobile.

Our annual fundraising event is an enjoyable dinner Auction in the Duarte Garage of unique donated items (and fun local experiences) on a Saturday in May.

For a tax-deductible donation receipt, send a check to: "Livermore Heritage Guild", PO Box 961, Livermore, CA 94551. You may designate support towards a specific site.


Mayor Kamena first proposed the City Historian role at the 4/25/2005 City Council meeting (considering Don Meeker in particular due to his presenting City Council history at the public forum). The council approved the role that October and made it's first formal appointment in February 2006 to a two-year term. Each two-year term starts in February.

Starting with City's creation of the office, LHG members have always served as the City Historian. City Historians overlap in roles with the LHG and the local geneological society L-AGS. Click on their name for LHG Newsletter bearing their biographic sketch.


Besides LHG-internal projects, we contribute research, advice and advocacy to external projects such as Ravenswood Historic Estate, the Southern Pacfic Depot restoration, Dutro house, preservation of Tesla Park, etc. We perform historic research to support the City of Livermore's review of proposed modifications to historic properties. This research becomes a part of the City's meeting packets used by their Historic Preservation Commission, Planning Commission, and City Council. Significant accomplishments in this area included:
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